DECODE: Behevioural audit

Why do people behave the way they do?

DECODE uncovers the hidden drivers behind employee and customer behaviour, identifying what prevents them from acting as desired.Using behavioural science, we analyse challenges and deliver clear, actionable recommendations for meaningful change.

Key components of DECODE?

  • Defining the problem and target behaviour – We clearly definee the key challenge and precisely identify the behaviour to be changed, establishing a solid foundation for effective solutions.

  • Identifying barriers to desired behaviour – Using scientific models, we analyse capabilities, opportunities, and motivation for the desired behaviour, explore cognitive biases at play, and answer the critical question: WHAT is preventing change?

  • Behavioural mapping – We develop a detailed behavioural map, visualising every step toward the desired behaviour and pinpointing WHERE barriers emerge.

  • Synthesising insights – By leveraging a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, we integrate all collected insights into a comprehensive, data-driven analysis.

  • Actionable recommendations – We deliver scientifically grounded, context-specific solutions that are both practical and immediately applicable within your organisation.

What's included?

  • Comprehensive analysis – A detailed report on behavioural barriers

  • Behavioural mapping – A visual representation of key friction points

  • Tailored recommendations – Evidence-based solutions designed for effective change

Want to know why people behave the way they do?

Book a free consulatation.