DISCOVERY: Discovery session

Want a "teaser" before diving deeper?

Organisations often face challenges stemming from employee or customer behaviour but struggle to pinpoint what’s blocking the desired change. Discovery session offers a structured, science-backed insight into the key barriers to desired behaviour.

Key components of DISCOVERY

  • Introductory meeting – Aligning on the key business challenge and desired behaviour.

  • Rapid behavioural analysis – Mapping critical points in the process where issues arise and identifying barriers to desired behaviour.

    • Analysis of existing organisational data (if available).

    • Short interviews or surveys with key stakeholders for additional insights.

    • Identification of key barriers and enablers of target behaviour

  • Report with key insights and recommendations

    • A concise report outlining behavioural barriers.

    • A visual behavioural map highlighting critical problem areas.

    • Actionable recommendations based on prior scientific research to address the challenge.

When is DISCOVERY the right choice?

  • When you need to quickly understand the barriers to desired behaviour.

  • When you're unsure whether you need an in-depth behavioural audit.

  • When you need fast insights to improve decision-making and reduce business risks.

Want a "teaser" before diving deeper?

Book a free consultation.